Audible Chocolate



Philadelphia's #1 Jive-cast brings you the best in disco, EDM, delta blues, progressive rock, and generally good times.


  • #ocho - in philadelphia, it's worth 50 bucks.

    19/09/2013 Duración: 01h04min

    Blues music, it's good for what ails you, so kick back and enjoy a slow pour of whiskey under the setting late summer sun.

  • #siete - be water, my friend.

    03/04/2013 Duración: 47min

    Music can be anything we want it to be. A gentle touch, a warm blanket, an old friend. Close your eyes, breathe deep, and let the music consume.

  • #seis - welcome to station W-E-F-U-N-K!

    05/10/2012 Duración: 55min

    Cosmic explorers, come take a ride on the mothership. Relax your mind and move your feet to the stellar vibes and grooy lines from dealers of funky music. An extra-terrestrial experience, outside of your atmosphere!

  • #cinco - put some libraries in the ghetto.

    29/01/2011 Duración: 31min

    Sometimes, you just have to kick it old school.

  • #cuatro - nah, you did fine, Joey. i just have better cards.

    25/07/2010 Duración: 45min

    I'm not gonna lie. This one is for the ladies. In fact, I would go as far as to say that there is not a single girl who would not enjoy it. It's that good. I don't even like to toot my own horn, but toot toot. This is gonna rock your socks.

  • #tres - ¡let's go get chocolate for abuela!

    10/06/2010 Duración: 39min

    ¡Espero que disfrute de esta combinación Reggaeton muy caliente de supermucho! El trae el sexy al Salsa, y las tortillas al salsa también. Nosotros lo encantamos y gustamos decir "Ay Papi" siempre que él toca su música. Escuche a Chocolate Audible una y otras veces, tenga un baile loco, y disfrute. Lo que paso... paso!

  • #dos - it's wasn't like sexual. it was house music.

    18/02/2010 Duración: 54min

    when i heard jersey shore was going to be a show, i got excited cause i know how retarded the jersey shore actually is since i lived in jersey for a piece. it's absurdity popular now, and i hate being part of bandwagons whether i started them or not. nevertheless, it was simply too juicy to pass up. go beat that beat up!

  • #uno - please find a way to get that audible chocolate on the airwaves

    15/12/2009 Duración: 51min

    we gather here today to mourn the passing one we knew, one we befriended, one we loved. Philanights Radio, we will always remember. **a tearful, silent momemt passes**.......yet it was foretold that from the ashes, a new podcast would arise, and that podcast would be known as....Audible Chocolate.